Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)
Management is not only about solving structured problems efficiently and effectively but also about the challenge of transforming a situation into an opportunity in an ever-changing competitive environment in the era of globalization and further, handling human problems in real life to synergize the team effort. Diploma in Business administration equips the students and managers with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. The greatest advantage of this course is that even undergraduate students can admit to it. Thus you can take course while studying for your degree course. This can prove a value addition to your degree and hence make your job search easy.
It strengthens the leadership capabilities of students. The learning model provides transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. It is designed to provide a unique, market-relevant combination of a comprehensive business education with real-world applications.
Potential Careers
You can be easily absorbed at the entry level or junior executive level in private as well as government sector. The learning acquired through this course would make your performance and career growth hassle-free. You can outshine exposing your broad range of duties in every sector of the operations. There are many opportunities in the field of management, marketing, healthcare management and human resource management.
Semester I
102 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
106 Managerial Economic
113 Management Information Systems
104 Quantitative Methods
103 Corporate Communication
Semester II
109 Marketing Management
107 Managerial Finance
110 Human Resources Management
108 Technology and Operations Management
111 Entrepreneurship
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: 12th Std. passed or equivalent (in any discipline).
Contact for Admission - Shiv
Mobile No - 09049002620
Distance learning Management course from Bharati Vidyapeeth Pune India
Monday, September 21, 2009
Distance learning Diploma and PG diploma courses from MIT Pune
Recognized by Distance Education Council, Govt. of India
We at MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology (established 1983), introduce ourselves as pioneers in the field of Engineering & Management Education. As per the recent survey we have been rated amongst the top educational institutions in the country. Keeping with the pace and understanding the industry requirements, we have designed Post Graduate Diploma courses, which are operated through Distance Education recognised by Distance Education Council, Govt of India.
With a view of upgrading the knowledge of working professionals, helping them to excel in this dynamic environment and making value additions to company human resources, we propose to have academic tie-up with your esteemed organization and offer the following programmes to your company employees, as we believe you would certainly initiate the noble cause of spreading knowledge.
Faculty of Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Fire Protection Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Design & Engineering
Faculty of Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Post Graduate Diploma in Material management
Post Graduate Diploma in supply chain Mangement
Post Graduate Diploma in Risk and Insurance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Wealth Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Newly Launched Diploma Course
Diploma In Retail Management- Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
Diploma in Business Administration Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
All the courses are of one-year duration except PGDBA, which is of two-year duration. We have adopted the latest learning methodology, i.e. Distance education through the Internet. We also provide the hard copies as well as compact discs of the course contents to the students.
The course content of the above courses highlights the latest developments in the respective fields. We have flexible quarterly online examinations. The benefit of this pattern is that students get the marks immediately after submitting the exam papers.
For further details please contact in person to:
Mr. Shiv Shingade
MIT School of Distance Education
S. No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud,Pune
Pune 38
Phone No - 020 25718090 Mobile: 9049002620
Recognized by Distance Education Council, Govt. of India
We at MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology (established 1983), introduce ourselves as pioneers in the field of Engineering & Management Education. As per the recent survey we have been rated amongst the top educational institutions in the country. Keeping with the pace and understanding the industry requirements, we have designed Post Graduate Diploma courses, which are operated through Distance Education recognised by Distance Education Council, Govt of India.
With a view of upgrading the knowledge of working professionals, helping them to excel in this dynamic environment and making value additions to company human resources, we propose to have academic tie-up with your esteemed organization and offer the following programmes to your company employees, as we believe you would certainly initiate the noble cause of spreading knowledge.
Faculty of Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Fire Protection Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Design & Engineering
Faculty of Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Post Graduate Diploma in Material management
Post Graduate Diploma in supply chain Mangement
Post Graduate Diploma in Risk and Insurance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Wealth Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Newly Launched Diploma Course
Diploma In Retail Management- Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
Diploma in Business Administration Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
All the courses are of one-year duration except PGDBA, which is of two-year duration. We have adopted the latest learning methodology, i.e. Distance education through the Internet. We also provide the hard copies as well as compact discs of the course contents to the students.
The course content of the above courses highlights the latest developments in the respective fields. We have flexible quarterly online examinations. The benefit of this pattern is that students get the marks immediately after submitting the exam papers.
For further details please contact in person to:
Mr. Shiv Shingade
MIT School of Distance Education
S. No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud,Pune
Pune 38
Phone No - 020 25718090 Mobile: 9049002620
Distance learning PGDBA - MIT Pune India
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Business Administration (PGDBA)
IntroductionManagement is not only about solving structured problems efficiently and effectively but also about the challenge of transforming a situation into an opportunity in an ever-changing competitive environment in the era of globalization and further, handling human problems in real life to synergize the team effort.
Post Graduate Diploma in Business administration equips the students and managers with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. It strengthens the leadership capabilities of students. The learning model provides transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. It is designed to provide a unique, market-relevant combination of a comprehensive business education with real-world applications.
Potential Careers
After this degree, students are absorbed at the managerial level in private as well as government sector. In fact managers perform a broad range of duties in virtually every sector of the economy. There are many opportunities in the field of management, marketing, healthcare management and human resource management. The degree in business management helps to reach senior management ranks within most companies.
Semester I
101 Business, Government and Society
102 Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (I.R)
103 Corporate Communication
104 Quantitative Methods
Semester II
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
108 Technology and Operations Management
109 Marketing Management
Semester III
110 Human Resources Management
111 Entrepreneurship
112 Legal Framework and Business
113 Management Information Systems
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester IV Marketing
115 International Marketing
116 Advertisement and Sales Promotion
117 Product and Brand Management International Marketing
118 Industrial Marketing
119 Financial Services Marketing
Semester IV Human Resource
125 Strategic HR
126 Training and Development
127 Recruitment, Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Semester IV Information Technology
133 C++ Programming.
134 Operating Systems.
135 Database Management System.
136 Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
137 Java Programming.
Semester IV Operations
130 Managing e-business
131 Project Management
132 Production Planning and Control
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
124 Risk Management
Semester IV Finance
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Insurance and Risk Management
Semester IV Supply Chain Management
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Semester IV Materials Management
Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 22000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 2200/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: Two Years.Validity of Registration: Four years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact- SHIV 9049002620 Email - sshiv@mitsde.com
IntroductionManagement is not only about solving structured problems efficiently and effectively but also about the challenge of transforming a situation into an opportunity in an ever-changing competitive environment in the era of globalization and further, handling human problems in real life to synergize the team effort.
Post Graduate Diploma in Business administration equips the students and managers with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. It strengthens the leadership capabilities of students. The learning model provides transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. It is designed to provide a unique, market-relevant combination of a comprehensive business education with real-world applications.
Potential Careers
After this degree, students are absorbed at the managerial level in private as well as government sector. In fact managers perform a broad range of duties in virtually every sector of the economy. There are many opportunities in the field of management, marketing, healthcare management and human resource management. The degree in business management helps to reach senior management ranks within most companies.
Semester I
101 Business, Government and Society
102 Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (I.R)
103 Corporate Communication
104 Quantitative Methods
Semester II
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
108 Technology and Operations Management
109 Marketing Management
Semester III
110 Human Resources Management
111 Entrepreneurship
112 Legal Framework and Business
113 Management Information Systems
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester IV Marketing
115 International Marketing
116 Advertisement and Sales Promotion
117 Product and Brand Management International Marketing
118 Industrial Marketing
119 Financial Services Marketing
Semester IV Human Resource
125 Strategic HR
126 Training and Development
127 Recruitment, Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Semester IV Information Technology
133 C++ Programming.
134 Operating Systems.
135 Database Management System.
136 Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
137 Java Programming.
Semester IV Operations
130 Managing e-business
131 Project Management
132 Production Planning and Control
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
124 Risk Management
Semester IV Finance
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Insurance and Risk Management
Semester IV Supply Chain Management
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Semester IV Materials Management
Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 22000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 2200/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: Two Years.Validity of Registration: Four years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact- SHIV 9049002620 Email - sshiv@mitsde.com
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
One year Wealth Management from MIT Pune by distance learning
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Wealth Management (PGDWM)
The secret behind Warren Buffet's becoming the world's greatest investor was nothing other than his skilful Wealth Management. One of his favourite opinions regarding Wealth Management was: "Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number 1." Wealth Management is all about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the choice of debt, equity, growth, safety, and numerous other tradeoffs encountered in the attempts to maximize return at a given risk. Wealth Management, though the term originated in the 1990s in the US with the Broker Dealers, Banks, and Insurance Companies, it has gained crucial importance in these sectors all over the world. The concept of "Wealth Management" deals with consulting persons that are clients of any firm or a form of private banking that provides various types of investment, insurance, and bank products and services. Post-graduate Diploma in Wealth Management by MITSDE has selected comprehensive range of subjects to make you aware of all about Wealth management. We hope that it will definitely groom you as an efficient Wealth Manager, Advisor, or a Successful Investor.
Potential Careers
There is high requirement of qualified and skilled Wealth Managers, Investment Advisors, Asset Managers, etc. in today's growing business world. There are many opportunities open in the fields of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Stocks, etc.
Semester I
104 Basic Quantitative Tools
106 Managerial Economics
124 Risk Management
121 Financial Institutions
123 Financial Planning
Semester II
156 Retirement Solutions
157 Security Analysis
158 Portfolio Management
159 Constructing Financial Plan and Wealth Management
160 Banking and Mutual Fund Products
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for admission - MIT Pune
The secret behind Warren Buffet's becoming the world's greatest investor was nothing other than his skilful Wealth Management. One of his favourite opinions regarding Wealth Management was: "Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number 1." Wealth Management is all about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the choice of debt, equity, growth, safety, and numerous other tradeoffs encountered in the attempts to maximize return at a given risk. Wealth Management, though the term originated in the 1990s in the US with the Broker Dealers, Banks, and Insurance Companies, it has gained crucial importance in these sectors all over the world. The concept of "Wealth Management" deals with consulting persons that are clients of any firm or a form of private banking that provides various types of investment, insurance, and bank products and services. Post-graduate Diploma in Wealth Management by MITSDE has selected comprehensive range of subjects to make you aware of all about Wealth management. We hope that it will definitely groom you as an efficient Wealth Manager, Advisor, or a Successful Investor.
Potential Careers
There is high requirement of qualified and skilled Wealth Managers, Investment Advisors, Asset Managers, etc. in today's growing business world. There are many opportunities open in the fields of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Stocks, etc.
Semester I
104 Basic Quantitative Tools
106 Managerial Economics
124 Risk Management
121 Financial Institutions
123 Financial Planning
Semester II
156 Retirement Solutions
157 Security Analysis
158 Portfolio Management
159 Constructing Financial Plan and Wealth Management
160 Banking and Mutual Fund Products
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for admission - MIT Pune
Material Management from MIT Pune India by distance learning
Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management (PGDMTM)
MIT School of distance education Pune Offers.....................
Materials management plays vital role in logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. Materials management covers the acquisition of raw material, replacements, quality control of purchasing and ordering such parts and the standards involved in ordering, shipping, and warehousing the said parts.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as material management and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Material and Store Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for admission - MIT Pune
mobile No - 09049002620
MIT School of distance education Pune Offers.....................
Materials management plays vital role in logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. Materials management covers the acquisition of raw material, replacements, quality control of purchasing and ordering such parts and the standards involved in ordering, shipping, and warehousing the said parts.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as material management and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Material and Store Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for admission - MIT Pune
mobile No - 09049002620
Supply chain management from MIT Pune
Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management (PGDSCM)
Supply chain management (SCM) means the management of the flow of materials, information, services, and funds across the entire supply chain, from suppliers to component producers and from producers to the customer who is the ultimate receiver of the service or product. SCM does not merely handle the pre-sale or logistics activities but also helps in post-sale service activities. It has become interesting as well as inevitable phenomenon in the business world since it has proven that for better coordination, it is must.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as manufacturing, service, and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission -
Shiv - 09049002620
Supply chain management (SCM) means the management of the flow of materials, information, services, and funds across the entire supply chain, from suppliers to component producers and from producers to the customer who is the ultimate receiver of the service or product. SCM does not merely handle the pre-sale or logistics activities but also helps in post-sale service activities. It has become interesting as well as inevitable phenomenon in the business world since it has proven that for better coordination, it is must.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as manufacturing, service, and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission -
Shiv - 09049002620
Distance learning courses for Banking professionals
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Wealth Management (PGDWM)
The secret behind Warren Buffet's becoming the world's greatest investor was nothing other than his skilful Wealth Management. One of his favourite opinions regarding Wealth Management was: "Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number 1." Wealth Management is all about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the choice of debt, equity, growth, safety, and numerous other tradeoffs encountered in the attempts to maximize return at a given risk. Wealth Management, though the term originated in the 1990s in the US with the Broker Dealers, Banks, and Insurance Companies, it has gained crucial importance in these sectors all over the world. The concept of "Wealth Management" deals with consulting persons that are clients of any firm or a form of private banking that provides various types of investment, insurance, and bank products and services. Post-graduate Diploma in Wealth Management by MITSDE has selected comprehensive range of subjects to make you aware of all about Wealth management. We hope that it will definitely groom you as an efficient Wealth Manager, Advisor, or a Successful Investor.
Potential Careers
There is high requirement of qualified and skilled Wealth Managers, Investment Advisors, Asset Managers, etc. in today's growing business world. There are many opportunities open in the fields of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Stocks, etc.
Semester I
104 Basic Quantitative Tools
106 Managerial Economics
124 Risk Management
121 Financial Institutions
123 Financial Planning
Semester II
156 Retirement Solutions
157 Security Analysis
158 Portfolio Management
159 Constructing Financial Plan and Wealth Management
160 Banking and Mutual Fund Products
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Finance Management (PGDFM)
Almost all firms including but not limited to government, semi-government, co-operative, private, industries required to have one or more financial managers. Duties of Finance managers include the preparation of financial reports, direct or indirect investment activities, and implementation of cash, etc. Finance Managers also need to develop strategies and implement the short term as well as long-term goals of the organization.
Sometimes title Finance manager is also interchanged with controller, treasurer or finance officer, credit manager, cash manager, risk and insurance manager, etc. and hence the duties also vary according to the change in the title.
Finance plays the role like spinal cord in the human body, and this exactly describes how vital the role of a Finance Manager is in the industry.Potential Careers
There is great demand for potential Finance Managers in all type of industries in India and overseas. There are openings in industries like Banking, Co-operative Credit Organisations, Insurance & Investment Companies, Manufacturing industries, Information Technology firms, all Government and Semi-Government organizations, etc.
Semester I
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
104 Quantitative Methods
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester II
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Risk Management
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - 09049002620
The secret behind Warren Buffet's becoming the world's greatest investor was nothing other than his skilful Wealth Management. One of his favourite opinions regarding Wealth Management was: "Rule No.1 is never lose money. Rule No.2 is never forget rule number 1." Wealth Management is all about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the choice of debt, equity, growth, safety, and numerous other tradeoffs encountered in the attempts to maximize return at a given risk. Wealth Management, though the term originated in the 1990s in the US with the Broker Dealers, Banks, and Insurance Companies, it has gained crucial importance in these sectors all over the world. The concept of "Wealth Management" deals with consulting persons that are clients of any firm or a form of private banking that provides various types of investment, insurance, and bank products and services. Post-graduate Diploma in Wealth Management by MITSDE has selected comprehensive range of subjects to make you aware of all about Wealth management. We hope that it will definitely groom you as an efficient Wealth Manager, Advisor, or a Successful Investor.
Potential Careers
There is high requirement of qualified and skilled Wealth Managers, Investment Advisors, Asset Managers, etc. in today's growing business world. There are many opportunities open in the fields of Banking, Finance, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Stocks, etc.
Semester I
104 Basic Quantitative Tools
106 Managerial Economics
124 Risk Management
121 Financial Institutions
123 Financial Planning
Semester II
156 Retirement Solutions
157 Security Analysis
158 Portfolio Management
159 Constructing Financial Plan and Wealth Management
160 Banking and Mutual Fund Products
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Finance Management (PGDFM)
Almost all firms including but not limited to government, semi-government, co-operative, private, industries required to have one or more financial managers. Duties of Finance managers include the preparation of financial reports, direct or indirect investment activities, and implementation of cash, etc. Finance Managers also need to develop strategies and implement the short term as well as long-term goals of the organization.
Sometimes title Finance manager is also interchanged with controller, treasurer or finance officer, credit manager, cash manager, risk and insurance manager, etc. and hence the duties also vary according to the change in the title.
Finance plays the role like spinal cord in the human body, and this exactly describes how vital the role of a Finance Manager is in the industry.Potential Careers
There is great demand for potential Finance Managers in all type of industries in India and overseas. There are openings in industries like Banking, Co-operative Credit Organisations, Insurance & Investment Companies, Manufacturing industries, Information Technology firms, all Government and Semi-Government organizations, etc.
Semester I
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
104 Quantitative Methods
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester II
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Risk Management
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - 09049002620
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
PGDBA - PGDBA-PGDBA -distance learning MIT Pune
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Business Administration (PGDBA)
IntroductionManagement is not only about solving structured problems efficiently and effectively but also about the challenge of transforming a situation into an opportunity in an ever-changing competitive environment in the era of globalization and further, handling human problems in real life to synergize the team effort.
Post Graduate Diploma in Business administration equips the students and managers with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. It strengthens the leadership capabilities of students. The learning model provides transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. It is designed to provide a unique, market-relevant combination of a comprehensive business education with real-world applications.
Potential Careers
After this degree, students are absorbed at the managerial level in private as well as government sector. In fact managers perform a broad range of duties in virtually every sector of the economy. There are many opportunities in the field of management, marketing, healthcare management and human resource management. The degree in business management helps to reach senior management ranks within most companies.
Semester I
101 Business, Government and Society
102 Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (I.R)
103 Corporate Communication
104 Quantitative Methods
Semester II
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
108 Technology and Operations Management
109 Marketing Management
Semester III
110 Human Resources Management
111 Entrepreneurship
112 Legal Framework and Business
113 Management Information Systems
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester IV Marketing
115 International Marketing
116 Advertisement and Sales Promotion
117 Product and Brand Management International Marketing
118 Industrial Marketing
119 Financial Services Marketing
Semester IV Human Resource
125 Strategic HR
126 Training and Development
127 Recruitment, Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Semester IV Information Technology
133 C++ Programming.
134 Operating Systems.
135 Database Management System.
136 Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
137 Java Programming.
Semester IV Operations
130 Managing e-business
131 Project Management
132 Production Planning and Control
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
124 Risk Management
Semester IV Finance
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Insurance and Risk Management
Semester IV Supply Chain Management
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Semester IV Materials Management
Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 22000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 2200/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: Two Years.Validity of Registration: Four years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact- SHIV 9049002620 Email - sshiv@mitsde.com
IntroductionManagement is not only about solving structured problems efficiently and effectively but also about the challenge of transforming a situation into an opportunity in an ever-changing competitive environment in the era of globalization and further, handling human problems in real life to synergize the team effort.
Post Graduate Diploma in Business administration equips the students and managers with skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. It strengthens the leadership capabilities of students. The learning model provides transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. It is designed to provide a unique, market-relevant combination of a comprehensive business education with real-world applications.
Potential Careers
After this degree, students are absorbed at the managerial level in private as well as government sector. In fact managers perform a broad range of duties in virtually every sector of the economy. There are many opportunities in the field of management, marketing, healthcare management and human resource management. The degree in business management helps to reach senior management ranks within most companies.
Semester I
101 Business, Government and Society
102 Leadership and Organisational Behaviour (I.R)
103 Corporate Communication
104 Quantitative Methods
Semester II
105 Financial Reporting and Control (Accounts)
106 Managerial Economic
107 Managerial Finance
108 Technology and Operations Management
109 Marketing Management
Semester III
110 Human Resources Management
111 Entrepreneurship
112 Legal Framework and Business
113 Management Information Systems
114 International Economy and Finance
Semester IV Marketing
115 International Marketing
116 Advertisement and Sales Promotion
117 Product and Brand Management International Marketing
118 Industrial Marketing
119 Financial Services Marketing
Semester IV Human Resource
125 Strategic HR
126 Training and Development
127 Recruitment, Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Semester IV Information Technology
133 C++ Programming.
134 Operating Systems.
135 Database Management System.
136 Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
137 Java Programming.
Semester IV Operations
130 Managing e-business
131 Project Management
132 Production Planning and Control
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
124 Risk Management
Semester IV Finance
120 Capital Markets
121 Financial Institutions
122 Corporate Tax Planning
123 Investment Planning and Management
124 Insurance and Risk Management
Semester IV Supply Chain Management
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Semester IV Materials Management
Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 22000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 2200/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: Two Years.Validity of Registration: Four years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact- SHIV 9049002620 Email - sshiv@mitsde.com
Distance learning education courses from MIT Pune,India
Recognized by Distance Education Council, Govt. of India
We at MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology (established 1983), introduce ourselves as pioneers in the field of Engineering & Management Education. As per the recent survey we have been rated amongst the top educational institutions in the country. Keeping with the pace and understanding the industry requirements, we have designed Post Graduate Diploma courses, which are operated through Distance Education recognised by Distance Education Council, Govt of India.
With a view of upgrading the knowledge of working professionals, helping them to excel in this dynamic environment and making value additions to company human resources, we propose to have academic tie-up with your esteemed organization and offer the following programmes to your company employees, as we believe you would certainly initiate the noble cause of spreading knowledge.
Faculty of Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Fire Protection Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Design & Engineering
Faculty of Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Post Graduate Diploma in Material management
Post Graduate Diploma in supply chain Mangement
Post Graduate Diploma in Risk and Insurance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Wealth Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Newly Launched Diploma Course
Diploma In Retail Management- Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
Diploma in Business Administration Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
All the courses are of one-year duration except PGDBA, which is of two-year duration. We have adopted the latest learning methodology, i.e. Distance education through the Internet. We also provide the hard copies as well as compact discs of the course contents to the students.
The course content of the above courses highlights the latest developments in the respective fields. We have flexible quarterly online examinations. The benefit of this pattern is that students get the marks immediately after submitting the exam papers.
For further details please contact in person to:
Mr. Shiv Shingade
MIT School of Distance Education
S. No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud,Pune
Pune 38
Phone No - 020 25718090 Mobile: 9049002620
Recognized by Distance Education Council, Govt. of India
We at MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology (established 1983), introduce ourselves as pioneers in the field of Engineering & Management Education. As per the recent survey we have been rated amongst the top educational institutions in the country. Keeping with the pace and understanding the industry requirements, we have designed Post Graduate Diploma courses, which are operated through Distance Education recognised by Distance Education Council, Govt of India.
With a view of upgrading the knowledge of working professionals, helping them to excel in this dynamic environment and making value additions to company human resources, we propose to have academic tie-up with your esteemed organization and offer the following programmes to your company employees, as we believe you would certainly initiate the noble cause of spreading knowledge.
Faculty of Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Fire Protection Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Piping Design & Engineering
Faculty of Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Post Graduate Diploma in Material management
Post Graduate Diploma in supply chain Mangement
Post Graduate Diploma in Risk and Insurance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Wealth Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Newly Launched Diploma Course
Diploma In Retail Management- Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
Diploma in Business Administration Eligibility-12th Std or equivalent in any discipline
All the courses are of one-year duration except PGDBA, which is of two-year duration. We have adopted the latest learning methodology, i.e. Distance education through the Internet. We also provide the hard copies as well as compact discs of the course contents to the students.
The course content of the above courses highlights the latest developments in the respective fields. We have flexible quarterly online examinations. The benefit of this pattern is that students get the marks immediately after submitting the exam papers.
For further details please contact in person to:
Mr. Shiv Shingade
MIT School of Distance Education
S. No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud,Pune
Pune 38
Phone No - 020 25718090 Mobile: 9049002620
Distance learning courses HR Management(PGDHRM) from MIT Pune India
Post Graduate Diploma Course in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
The greatest asset of any organization is human resource. Many organizations describe Human Resource Management as a combination of administrative personnel functions with performance management, Employee Relations and resource planning. More commonly HR is the department that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues.
The main objective of Human Resources is to ensure the maximum return on the investment that an organization has made in its human capital and minimize risk. It is the foremost responsibility of human resource manager to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. Human resource management deals in following areas of an organization:
· Recruitment Strategy & Planning
· Recruitment Processes
· Selection Process
· Enrichment, Training and Development
· Performance Evaluation and Management
· Promotions
· Industrial and Employee Relations
· Record keeping of all personal data.
· Compensation, pensions, bonuses etc in liaison with Payroll
· Confidential advice to internal 'customers' in relation to problems at work.
· Career development
Potential Careers
H.R. Managers are in great demand in today's world in all small and large-scale industry, government & semi-government, private & co-operative fields, etc. Also there are wide openings in Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services, BPOs, etc. This course will be very beneficial to students in enhancement of their HR skills as well as to their recruitment as HR managers.
Semester I
110 Human Resources Management
102 Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
103 Communication
113 Management Information Systems
101 Business Government and Society
Semester II
125 Strategic HR
126 Enrichment-Training and Development
127 Recruitment-Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
mobile No - 09049002620
The greatest asset of any organization is human resource. Many organizations describe Human Resource Management as a combination of administrative personnel functions with performance management, Employee Relations and resource planning. More commonly HR is the department that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues.
The main objective of Human Resources is to ensure the maximum return on the investment that an organization has made in its human capital and minimize risk. It is the foremost responsibility of human resource manager to conduct these activities in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. Human resource management deals in following areas of an organization:
· Recruitment Strategy & Planning
· Recruitment Processes
· Selection Process
· Enrichment, Training and Development
· Performance Evaluation and Management
· Promotions
· Industrial and Employee Relations
· Record keeping of all personal data.
· Compensation, pensions, bonuses etc in liaison with Payroll
· Confidential advice to internal 'customers' in relation to problems at work.
· Career development
Potential Careers
H.R. Managers are in great demand in today's world in all small and large-scale industry, government & semi-government, private & co-operative fields, etc. Also there are wide openings in Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services, BPOs, etc. This course will be very beneficial to students in enhancement of their HR skills as well as to their recruitment as HR managers.
Semester I
110 Human Resources Management
102 Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
103 Communication
113 Management Information Systems
101 Business Government and Society
Semester II
125 Strategic HR
126 Enrichment-Training and Development
127 Recruitment-Selection and Retention
128 Enterprise Resource and Planning
129 Labour Laws
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
mobile No - 09049002620
Distance learning Supply chain management - MIT Pune India
Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management (PGDSCM)
MIT School of Distance Education Pune
Supply chain management (SCM) means the management of the flow of materials, information, services, and funds across the entire supply chain, from suppliers to component producers and from producers to the customer who is the ultimate receiver of the service or product. SCM does not merely handle the pre-sale or logistics activities but also helps in post-sale service activities. It has become interesting as well as inevitable phenomenon in the business world since it has proven that for better coordination, it is must.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as manufacturing, service, and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
mobile No - 09049002620
MIT School of Distance Education Pune
Supply chain management (SCM) means the management of the flow of materials, information, services, and funds across the entire supply chain, from suppliers to component producers and from producers to the customer who is the ultimate receiver of the service or product. SCM does not merely handle the pre-sale or logistics activities but also helps in post-sale service activities. It has become interesting as well as inevitable phenomenon in the business world since it has proven that for better coordination, it is must.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as manufacturing, service, and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Concepts of Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Distribution Management
Legal Aspect of Supply Chain Management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune.
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
mobile No - 09049002620
Distance Material management from MIT Pune India
Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management (PGDMTM)
Recognised by DEC Govt Of India
Materials management plays vital role in logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. Materials management covers the acquisition of raw material, replacements, quality control of purchasing and ordering such parts and the standards involved in ordering, shipping, and warehousing the said parts.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as material management and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Material and Store Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
Mobile No - 09049002620
Recognised by DEC Govt Of India
Materials management plays vital role in logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. Materials management covers the acquisition of raw material, replacements, quality control of purchasing and ordering such parts and the standards involved in ordering, shipping, and warehousing the said parts.
Potential Careers
After successful completion of this course one can be absorbed into public and private supply chain management companies as well as material management and retail industries, etc.
Semester I
113 Management Information Systems
112 Legal Framework and Business
130 Managing e-business
104 Quantitative Methods
108 Technology and Operations Management
Semester II
Material and Store Management
Supply Chain Management
Total Quality management
Risk Management
Project Report
Fee Structure –
For Indian Resident: Total Fees Rs. 17000/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
For NRI / Foreign Resident: USD 1700/- (Inclusive of Prospectus Fee, Registration Fee and Course Fee)
Exam Fee Per Attempt:
Exam fees per subject per attempt Rs. 200 / US $ 50 has to be paid by D.D at the time of Examination. For Subsequent attempts the exam fees will be Rs. 200 per subject / US $ 50 Payable at the time of examination. Total Fees to be paid in full at the time of admission in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "MIT School of Distance Education" Payable at Pune
Duration: One Year.Validity of Registration: Two Years.
Eligibility: Any Graduate or Diploma holder with three years of experience.
Contact for Admission - Shiv
Mobile No - 09049002620
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